Friday, January 4, 2013

Holiday Break Reading Challenge - Day 20 - Book Trailer

Today is the final day of the Holiday Break Reading Challenge, and it is a more difficult and time-consuming challenge than most of the previous challenges.  Today we had to create a book trailer for our #1 book of 2012.  Below, you will find the trailer I created for Anna Dressed in Blood.  Enjoy, and let me know what you think!!!


  1. Great job Melissa :)

  2. Excellent Melissa! And you notice that neither Edgy nor I did one! Because it was time-consuming and Edgy is without internet and I am technologically challenged and went out of town. Thank you so much for participating and you did an excellent job!


  3. Good job, Melissa! I liked ADIB, but I didn't LOVE it; however, I listened to it instead of reading it. I have found that listening to books, I tend to like them less because I'm not in control of the pace. I think I'll read the sequel in print and see what happens.
    Liked your trailer a lot -- what did you use to make it? I'm stuck on Animoto but frustrated at the limitations on the free version.

  4. The sequel was not as good as the first book, but still worth reading. I used movie maker. It's more complicated than animoto, but you can do so much more with it!

  5. Great job! You did a great at capturing the creepiness.
