Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Break Reading Challenge - Day 8 - Hit and Miss

Today's challenge is to share a book that knocked me off my feet, and one that disappointed me.  It was difficult to choose a hit this year, because there were so many that I really loved.  I loved Anna Dressed in Blood, Unwind, Unwholly, Divergent, Insurgent, Article 5, Ashes, etc., but for my hit, I decided to choose a book that I didn't expect to like.

Hit for 2012:

I didn't expect to enjoy this book as much as I did.  Sure, it has zombies in it, so I thought I would like it, but it also features a girl who does NOT want to survive the zombies, a girl who wants to end her own life.  My thought was, that this was going to be a very depressing read, and it was in places.  But, it was also a wonderful look at interesting characters who are trying to cope with an impossible situation.  I'm glad I read this book.
Miss for 2012:

There were few books that were misses for me this year, but this one is the only book that I couldn't bring myself to finish.  I just wonder if my expectations were too high, because I had heard so many great things about this book.  Or, it could have been that I listened to the audio version.  Maybe I would have liked the book better if I had read it instead of listened to it.  Who knows.


  1. Haven't read either of those. The zombie one does sound interesting. My husband has read the Ender's Game and liked them. Maybe it's a guy thing? Thanks for participating!


  2. Melissa, I am not really a "sci-fi" fan and had resisted Ender's Game for years, even as all six males in my house have read it and re-read it. I finally did read it, and I LOVED it. I don't think I would have loved it as an audiobook, though. How did they narrate it given Ender starts as a six year old? The movie should come out next year, so maybe that will be appealing!

  3. I actually am a fan of sci-fi, but this one just didn't hold my interest. They had multiple narrators on the audio version, and did a fairly good job. I think I just expected too much since I have students who LOVE this book. It just disappointed me.
